Our company, 2U1K, has been recently established by founder partners; namely, Turgay Eser (Environmental Engineer), Günal Özenirler (Environmental Engineer, M.Sc.) and Dündar Emre Kaya (Environmental Engineer). Our service area consists of the following environmental engineering and consultancy activities: Project Site Screening and Selection; Route Reconnaissance Surveys; International Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies; Technical Assistance in Environmental Permitting and Licensing; Environmental Management and Monitoring Works; Environmental Due Diligence Works; and Consultancy Services for EU Grant Applications. Our founding partners have more than 20 years of experience in environmental consultancy services for development projects according to the scope and quality required by international finance institutions including The World Bank Group, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank and Equator Banks as well as Turkish finance institutions (e.g., TSKB, Garanti Bank and Deniz Bank), public institutions and local administrations.
Featured Services
In addition to all global services, our featured services are:
Case Studies
