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Inogen Alliance is once again an official sponsor of the upcoming ninth annual Global Water Stewardship Forum with the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS). The forum runs from 5-6 June 2024 in...

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COP28 expectations

Expectations Going into COP28

As COP28 quickly approaches in Dubai from 30 November to 13 December, we asked one of our Associates who has been intimately involved in progressing initiatives between COPs, to give us an update and...
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Inogen Alliance will have a presence at the upcoming COP28 held in Dubai. UN’s COP (Conference of the Parties) is the largest annual climate summit driving action to address global warming across...

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solar panels on business roof

Accelerate Carbon Neutrality with Energy Transition Consulting

The year 2030 is fast approaching and with it several significant deadlines for global carbon emission reduction. Carbon neutrality plays a pivotal role in addressing climate change due to its direct...
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The Climate and Us series just launched, exploring how the climate crisis is affecting human health, and how solutions from the healthcare sector, environmental sector and beyond are seeking to...


St. Paul, MN November 1, 2023: Inogen Alliance is pleased to announce the publication of our 2022 ESG Report . The commitment areas outlined in our ESG policy concentrate on the improvement of our...

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emergency plan

Global Perspectives: Understanding the Differences in Emergency Response Programs

Disasters and emergencies, whether natural or man-made, typically have far-reaching impacts that transcend borders. Consider the recent Maui fires or flooding in Libya which have impacted so many...
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mental health at work

The Role of EHS in Workforce Mental Health Programs

An uptick in media coverage and public conversations surrounding mental health have spurred greater awareness of mental health challenges. At the same time, a confluence of difficult world events has...
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workplace safety

Workplace Safety: The Importance of Office Risk Assessments

In any workplace setting, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees is of paramount importance. One essential tool that aids in incident prevention management is conducting office risk...
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Our Global Water Working Group is hosted a webinar on the topic of Flood Risk and Climate Resilience relating to ESG on 19 October. Watch On-Demand here This webinar focuses on the topics risk...

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supply chain emissions

Navigating the Wild West of Corporate GHG Accounting

Reporting on GHG emissions is becoming a must for many corporations. In the EU, this is required by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive . In the US, GHG reporting is on the agenda of the...
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Inogen Alliance is excited to announce a new first to market ESG self-assessment digital survey tool to assess ESG progress or test the maturity of an organizations sustainability initiatives. Our...