Inogen Alliance is published in The Responsible Business Campaign with Business Reporter and The Independent on how businesses are making progress on their ESG journeys. The article also embeds our...
Environment Analyst interviewed our local Associate Amr Abdel-Aziz from Integral in Egypt ahead of COP27 for local perspective and expectations. Check out the excerpt from the article below and click...
St. Paul, MN, USA October 24, 2021: Inogen Alliance is pleased to publish our inaugural ESG Report for 2021. The commitment areas outlined in our ESG policy concentrate on the improvement of our...
Sustainability efforts have gained momentum as businesses and governments experience the mounting impact of climate change. The global consensus is that action must be taken to ensure the long-term...
Inogen Alliance is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members to our Board of Directors; Rene Sloof from Antea Group Netherlands (replacing Menno Smits) and Nicolas Pycke of Antea Group...
The global energy market has been in upheaval for years, and Europe is facing a crisis. After coming out of a global pandemic, some power generators that had been shut down couldn’t ramp up in time...
The world is a big place full of new and exciting opportunities just waiting for you to explore. Companies both large and small are seeking to expand globally to reach new markets and broaden their...
If we’re going to stop global temperatures from rising above the maximum safe level of 1.5 degrees Celsius as a result of climate change, the UN reports that we must collectively achieve climate...
Inogen Alliance is pleased to share we have been ranked 11th in Environment Analyst’s Top 100 Environmental & Sustainability Consultancy Firms for 2022 when totaling all Associate companies as part of...
At the start of August, the Economist published a ruinous special report on Environmental Social and Governance (ESG), describing it as incoherent, overcomplicated and ‘Exaggerated, Superficial Guff...
What are the top benefits of Green Building? Advantages include: Environmental advantages Cost efficiency and economic benefits Health benefits Energy saving and energy efficiency Improving air...
Resilient businesses keep track of relevant global trends, and companies have long understood how to manage risks associated with those trends. More recently, they are learning about the distinction...