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Many things are happening for these days in Inogen, and I am more than happy to share all this good news with you: Founded in 2001, Inogen has successfully grown both in size and diversity of service...


Our next Inogen Associate Meetings will be in Vancouver, Canada, hosted by Terrapex. Inogen Associates, please join us! dates: September 24th and 25th, 2018. Register now at the “Inogen Events” App...

Blog Post

the process

What Makes a City Sustainable? 10 Green Development Initiatives, Expectations, and Real Project Examples

What makes a city smart and sustainable? Denkstatt recently tried to answer this question – both in theory by developing a new position paper on smart cities together with stakeholders from the real...
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Taiwan’s largest soil and groundwater remediation company, Taiwan Environment Scientific Corp. Ltd (TESC) (Stock Symbol: 8476), becomes the Taipei Exchange(TPEx)listed company on March 28th 2017...


Pacific Risk Advisors Ltd and Turnkey Group announce a new strategic ESG Risk Advisory and Reporting partnership. Pacific Risk Advisors Ltd (PRA) and Turnkey Group, have both entered a new strategic...


Delta-Simons has recently been focusing on growing it’s Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability team with three new appointments.

Blog Post

Plastic Paradox

Plastic Paradox

By Nigel Landon Global news has been full recently with dire warnings about the state of our planets’ oceans and the rising tide of waste, mostly plastic (est. >80%), which is killing marine life...
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Blog Post


Real Estate Market: A valuable asset

With 2017 global real estate values totalling US$228 trillion, the real estate market is a more valuable asset class than all stocks, shares and securitised debt combined. The world now owns real...
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Inogen has awarded the associates Angel Environmental (Brazil), ESD (China) and HPC (Germany) the Award for Excellence to recognize their outstanding performance in global business development. We...


What does it really mean to create a ‘healthy building'? How can our urban environment be designed to support healthier lifestyles? And what are the cost implications of integrating wellbeing into...


Coinciding with its 20th Anniversary, MediTerra, Inogen Associate in Spain is happy to announce that now is also located in Madrid. During 20 years of existence, MediTerra always has worked all-over...


Remediation project in a facility with a strong tar contamination where a former gas work plant was located in the past in the outskirts of Barcelona – Spain. As MediTerra, Inogen Associate in Spain...